Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent at Rascals!

Last Tuesday at Rascals we had a mad run through of Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent! It was all going on. There were screams from the kitchen during our pancake flipping competition – especially when they hit the floor…chocolate sauce and sqooshie cream, messy paints going everywhere and then there was the burnt ashes during our Ash Wednesday prayers. We were a bit of a mess by the end of it. But we learned all about the Lent Season!

We started with gorgeous singing led by Fiona- my favourite song is currently the ‘Bring It all To Me’ one by Fischy Music:   Bring it all to me   “You Can Bring Me Anything, You Can Bring me Everything, Just Bring it All ,Bring it All to me.”  I think that sums up quite a bit about what we learned about Lent.  That you can bring anything to God – the good, the bad, the ugly, the worries, the hopes….everything. We did the fun bit of course!


(that is supposed to have ‘Rascals’ written on it….but the cream melted with the chocolate….)

And well done to Lewis for being awarded the “Ultimate Pancake Flipper Award!”IMG_1460But we also did the serious part of Lent. We learned that Lent is a time when we reflect about our lives, take a good look at ourselves, bring it all to God and say sorry for the things that we are not too proud of. Always a hard thing to do! So we had our own mini Ash Wednesday prayers and marked a wee cross of ash on a cross. (Ash made from some of my old scrap paper, not palm fronds…we will save some from this year)IMG_1491We learned that during Lent we also think about the events running up to when Jesus died on the cross.  Then we finished up with the happy bit.  We used watercolour paints to make these crosses and wrote Love, Hope and Joy on them to remind us that at the end of Lent there is  Love and Hope and Joy because of what Jesus did! IMG_1463So that was Rascals and our Lent run through in 1 hour and 15 mins! Thank you to all the amazing volunteers how work so hard to make rascals so much fun.